(updated 12.11.24)
The Minnesota Office of Cannabis Management's announcement on Wednesday delays retail licensing to at least May. Here's what to expect over the next several months:
Jan. 10, 2025: Deadline to request a refund of license preapproval application fee.
Jan. 15, 2025 - Jan. 30, 2025: Social equity applicant verification (second round) window opens.​
THRU FEB 12: Public has a chance to review proposed rules and respond with comments. Link: https://mn.gov/ocm/laws/rulemaking.jsp <- WE ARE HERE
Feb. 18, 2025: License application window opens (SEA and all applicants) <- WE ARE HERE​​
March 14, 2025: License application window closes.
March/April: Final Rules from OCM.
May-June 2025: Tentative lottery times.
Sometime in 2025: Off-tribal land and medical dispensary cannabis sales.​

NEXT: Feb 18 - Mar 14: Licence Application Window for All
From February 18, 2025, to March 14 2025, OCM will also launch a new license application for all candidates, including those applying for social equity and those in the general round.
May - June (Planned): Lottery Rounds
OCM is hoping to hold this come May/June of 2024. OCM will issue at least the following number of licenses to social-equity applicants:
Cultivator: 25
Manufacturer: 12
Retailer: 75
Mezzobusiness: 50
UnCapped Licenses: Unlimited pending approvals from OCM/municpality/etc.
Limits on licenses available to all applicants in a proceeeding lottery are:
Cultivator: 25
Manufacturer: 12
Retailer: 75
Mezzobusiness: 50
UnCapped Licenses: Unlimited pending approvals from OCM/municpality/etc.

Other license categories, like microbusinesses, testing, have no limits. OCM stated that applicants who entered the "preapproval" lottery and pursued an uncapped license would automatically qualify as a "qualified applicant" in the next licensing cycle in 2025.
Future Rounds
​This is still up in the air; however, the thought is that these rounds will return to a standard metric-based scoring system.
What Should You Be Doing To Prepare?
Learn and stay updated on the current legislation and any ongoing changes
This can be done through the state website, your cannabis consultant/advisor, or a lawyer.
Determine the type(s) of licenses you would like to apply for
Decide the type of Cannabis and/or Hemp/CBD license(s) you want to apply for.​ Below is a full listing of options.
Start Learning the ins and outs of running a canna-business
Obtain information on licensing, running, and operating a Cannabis business. We have several versions from our resource partners for you. It covers business, finance, security, compliance, creating local support, building your team, ongoing training, and social equity/grant programs. If you need help, reach out.
Get your brand out there now. There are already lots of cannabis events popping up to get early exposure. Carpfish has teamed up with the leading social groups in MN to provide these types of events. Let us help guide you in this process while the Canna Advisors secure your license. It's going to get busy real quick. Plus the events are pretty darn fun. We also will post links to some of the better Calendars covering the Minnesota and Midwest Markets to the right of this text. ​
Start securing financing now!!!
Cannabis is still a federally illegal product, meaning most big banks and investment firms still won't help cannabis business owners. However, don't let this deter you, as we can discuss many equity and non-equity options.
Research and create Your Brand Identity
Start the process of creating your brand name, logo, and basic marketing info (website, flyer). File and create your business on both state and federal levels. What products are you going to offer? What type of customer experience do I want to offer? These are all areas we can help with.

What is Social Appolicant Status in Minnesota?
Applicants must meet OCM's minimum standards to qualify. Entities must be 65% or more owned by social equity applicants. Those primarily impacted by the War on Drugs and veterans will have the first opportunity to enter the industry. The final bill did not include women who own women-owned businesses as a category of social equity applicants.
People with marijuana-related convictions before May 1, 2023, are eligible. Convictions after this date disqualify the person. All military veterans now qualify. Those who have been a resident for the last five years of one or more subareas that experienced a disproportionately large amount of cannabis enforcement (but we don't have maps for this yet) or Those who have been a resident for the last five years were;
a. the poverty rate was more than 20%;
b. the median family income did not exceed 80% of the statewide or metropolitan area's median family income;
c. at least 20% of the households receive assistance through SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) or
d. the population has a high level of vulnerability to toxic substances, as laid out by the CDC or
e. Those who have participated in the business operation of a farm for at least three years and currently provide the majority of the day-to-day physical labor and management of a farm that grossed between $5000 and $100,000 in the previous year.
Minnesota Business Licensing Structure
According to Chapter 342 of the Minnesota Statutes and adjustments from the legislature during the 2024 sessions, the OCM will establish these 13 cannabis business licenses:
Cannabis Retailer (aka Dispensary)
Application Fee: $2,500
Initial License Fee: $2,500
Renewal License Fee: $5,000
License type: Cannabis Retailer (Minn. Stat. § 342.32)
Overview of activities and products allowed:
Cannabis retailers can sell packaged cannabis products to the general public and medical patients. They can buy cannabis (including plants and seedlings), lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products from other cannabis businesses and sell them to customers. This license type is available in limited quantities per state law, and licensees will be selected through a vetted lottery. * Must also have local registration per Minn. Stat. § 342.22.
Can operate: Up to five retail locations; however, no person, cooperative, or business may hold a license to own or operate more than one cannabis retail business in one city and three retail businesses in one county.
Can sell: Immature cannabis plants and seedlings, adult-use cannabis flower, adult-use cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, hemp-derived consumer products, and other products authorized by law to adults over 21 years of age and registered medical patients.
Endorsements available:
Medical cannabis retailer
Edible cannabinoid product handler
Additional licenses available:
Cannabis event organizer
Cannabis delivery service
Cannabis Microbusiness​
Application Fee: $500
Initial License Fee: $0
Renewal License Fee: $2,000
License type: Cannabis Microbusiness (Minn. Stat. § 342.28)
Overview of activities and products allowed:
Cannabis microbusinesses can grow, make, sell, and buy cannabis (including plants and seedlings), lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products. They can also have an on-site space where customers can use cannabis.
Operate a single retail location with optional on-site consumption
Grow up to 5,000 square feet of plant canopy indoors or up to one-half acre of mature flowering plants outdoors
Transport between facilities under the same license holder
Sell immature cannabis plants, seedlings, adult-use cannabis flower, adult-use cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, hemp-derived consumer products, and other authorized products to businesses and customers
Can operate: A single retail location. Can allow onsite consumption on a portion of its premises where customers can consume edible cannabis products and lower-potency hemp edibles.
Can grow: Up to 5,000 square feet of plant canopy indoors or up to one-half acre of mature flowering plants outdoors. Can transport: Between facilities under same license holder.
Can sell: Immature cannabis plants and seedlings, adult-use cannabis flower, adult-use cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, hemp-derived consumer products, and other products authorized by law to other cannabis businesses and customers.
Endorsements available:
Medical cannabis cultivation
Extraction and concentration
Medical cannabis processor
Production of customer products
Retail operations (Must also have local registration per Minn. Stat. § 342.22)
On-site consumption
Edible cannabinoid product handler
Additional licenses available:
Cannabis event organizer​
Early cultivation opportunity: Social equity applicants with a preapproved cannabis microbusiness license and appropriate local approval may be allowed to grow cannabis plants under existing rules for medical cannabis cultivators and before the adoption of adult-use rules.
Cannabis Mezzobusiness
Application Fee: $5,000
Initial License Fee: $5,000
Renewal License Fee: $10,000​​
License type: Cannabis Mezzobusiness (Minn. Stat. § 342.29)
Overview of activities and products allowed:
Cannabis mezzobusinesses can grow, make, sell, and buy cannabis (including plants and seedlings), lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products. This license type is available in limited quantities per state law, and licensees will be selected through a vetted lottery.
Operate up to three retail locations
Grow up to 15,000 square feet of plant canopy indoors or up to one acre of mature flowering plants outdoors
Transport between facilities under the same license holder
Sell immature cannabis plants, seedlings, adult-use cannabis flower, adult-use cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, hemp-derived consumer products, and other authorized products to businesses and customers
Endorsements available:
Medical cannabis cultivation
Extraction and concentration
Medical cannabis processor
Production of customer products
Retail operations (requires local registration)
Edible cannabinoid product handler
Additional licenses available:
Cannabis event organizer
Early cultivation opportunity: Social equity applicants with a preapproved cannabis mezzobusiness license and appropriate local approval may be allowed to grow cannabis plants under existing rules for medical cannabis cultivators and before the adoption of adult-use rules.
Medical/Adult Combination Business
Application Fee: $10,000
Initial License Fee: $20,000
Renewal License Fee: $70,000
License type: Medical Cannabis Combination Business (Minn. Stat. § 342.515)
Overview of activities and products allowed:
Medical cannabis combination businesses can grow medical and adult-use cannabis (subject to law), manufacture medical and adult-use cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products; package and label those products; and purchase immature cannabis plants and seedlings, cannabis flower, cannabis products, hemp concentrate, and artificially derived cannabinoids from businesses licensed to sell those products. * Must also have local registration per Minn. Stat. § 342.22.
Can operate: One retail location per congressional district and must offer medical cannabis at each location.
Can grow: Up to 60,000 square feet of medical cannabis plant canopy, and up to an additional 30,000 square feet of cannabis plant canopy for distribution into the adult-use market based on prior year medical sales assessed annually.
Can transport: Between facilities under same license holder.
Can sell: Medical cannabis flower and medical cannabinoid products to persons registered on the medical registry, their caregivers, parents, guardians or spouse. Immature cannabis plants and seedlings, adult-use cannabis flower, adult-use cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, hemp-derived consumer products, and other products authorized by law to other cannabis businesses and customers.
Endorsements available:
None listed
Additional licenses available:
None listed
Cannabis Cultivator
Application Fee: $10,000
Initial License Fee: $20,000
Renewal License Fee: $30,000
License type: Cannabis Cultivator (Minn. Stat. § 342.30)
Overview of activities and products allowed:
​Cannabis cultivators can grow cannabis plants from seed to maturity. Cultivators are allowed to harvest, package, label, and transport fully grown cannabis plants to manufacturers. They can also package, label, and transport seedlings. This license type is available in limited quantities per state law, and licensees will be selected through a vetted lottery.
Grow up to 30,000 square feet of plant canopy indoors or up to two acres of mature flowering plants outdoors
Sell immature cannabis plants, seedlings, and cannabis flower to other cannabis businesses
Endorsements available:
Medical cannabis cultivation
Edible cannabinoid product handler
Additional licenses available:
Cannabis manufacture
Cannabis event organizer
Early cultivation opportunity: Social equity applicants with a preapproved cannabis cultivator license and appropriate local approval may be allowed to grow cannabis plants under existing rules for medical cannabis cultivators and before the adoption of adult-use rules.​​
Cannabis Manufacturer
Application Fee: $10,000
Initial License Fee: $10,000
Renewal License Fee: $20,000
License type: Cannabis Manufacturer (Minn. Stat. § 342.31)
Overview of activities and products allowed:
Cannabis manufacturers can process raw cannabis plants into various products, such as edibles, concentrates, wax, oils, and tinctures. Manufacturers can buy cannabis flowers, cannabis products, hemp plant parts, hemp concentrate, and artificially derived cannabinoids from other cannabis businesses. They turn these materials into cannabis products, then package and sell them to other cannabis businesses. This license type is available in limited quantities per state law, and licensees will be selected through a vetted lottery.
Can transport: From cultivation site to manufacturing site on same premises under same license holder.
Can sell: Cannabis concentrate, hemp concentrate, artificially derived cannabinoids, cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products to other cannabis businesses.
Endorsements available:
Medical cannabis processor
Edible cannabinoid product handler
Additional licenses available:
Cannabis cultivator
Cannabis event organizer
Cannabis Wholesaler
Application Fee: $5,000
Initial License Fee: $5,000
Renewal License Fee: $10,000
License type: Cannabis Wholesaler (Minn. Stat. § 342.33)
Overview of activities and products allowed:
​Cannabis wholesalers can buy cannabis, cannabis products, and lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products from cannabis businesses and then sell them to other cannabis and lower-potency hemp business. Can import hemp-derived consumer products and lower-potency hemp edibles that contain hemp concentrate or artificially derived cannabinoids.
Can sell: Immature cannabis plants and seedlings, cannabis flower, cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products to cannabis microbusinesses, cannabis mezzobusinesses, cannabis manufacturers, and cannabis retailers. Lower-potency hemp edibles to lowerpotency hemp edible retailers.
Endorsements available:
Hemp-derived product importer
Edible cannabinoid product handler
Additional licenses available:
Cannabis transporter
Cannabis event organizer
Cannabis delivery service
Cannabis Transporter
Application Fee: $250
Initial License Fee: $500
Renewal License Fee: $1,000
License type: Cannabis Transporter (Minn. Stat. § 342.35)
Overview of activities and products allowed:
Cannabis transporters can move cannabis, cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products between businesses.
Can transport: Immature cannabis plants and seedlings, cannabis flower, cannabis products, artificially derived cannabinoids, hemp plant parts, hemp concentrate, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products.
Can transport from: Cannabis microbusinesses, cannabis mezzobusinesses, cannabis cultivators, cannabis manufacturers, cannabis wholesalers, lower-potency hemp manufacturers, and industrial hemp growers.
Can transport to: Cannabis microbusinesses, cannabis mezzobusinesses, cannabis manufacturers, cannabis testing facilities, cannabis wholesalers, cannabis retailers, lower-potency hemp edible retailers, and medical combination businesses.
Endorsements available:
None listed
Additional licenses available:
Cannabis wholesaler
Cannabis event organizer
Cannabis delivery service
Cannabis Testing Facility
Application Fee: $5,000
Initial License Fee: $5,000
Renewal License Fee: $10,000
License type: Cannabis Testing Facility (Minn. Stat. § 342.37)
Overview of activities and products allowed:
Cannabis testing facilities can obtain and test immature cannabis plants and seedlings, cannabis flower, cannabis products, hemp plant parts, hemp concentrate, artificially derived cannabinoids, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products from businesses licensed to produce those items. They ensure these products meet safety standards.
Endorsements available:
Additional licenses available:
Cannabis Event Organizer
Application Fee: $750
Initial License Fee: $750
Renewal License Fee: $0 as of now
License Type: Cannabis Event Organizer (Minn. Stat. § 342.39)
Overview of activities and products allowed:
Cannabis event organizers can plan and host cannabis events lasting up to four (4) days and may allow for the sale of cannabis, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products to customers at events. This is a temporary license that must be applied for per event.
Can operate: Events lasting up to four (4) days and provide spaces for on-site consumption of adult-use cannabis flower, adult-use cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products. Cannabis events and activities are subject to local approval and permitting.
Can sell: Cannabis plants, adult-use cannabis flower, adult-use cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products. A cannabis event is specifically prohibited from giving away cannabis plants, cannabis flower, cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, or hemp-derived consumer products.
Endorsements available:
Additional licenses available:
Cannabis microbusiness
Cannabis mezzobusiness
Cannabis cultivator
Cannabis manufacturer
Cannabis retailer
Cannabis wholesaler
Cannabis transporter
Cannabis delivery service
Cannabis Delivery Service
Application Fee: $750
Initial License Fee: $750
Renewal License Fee: $0 as of now
License type: Lower-potency Hemp Edible Retailer (Minn. Stat. § 342.41)
Overview of activities and products allowed:
A cannabis delivery service can purchase cannabis, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products from specific cannabis businesses and sell and deliver those products directly to consumers.
Can sell: Cannabis flower, cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumer products.
Endorsements available:
Additional licenses available:
Cannabis retailer
Cannabis wholesaler
Cannabis transporter
Cannabis event organizer
Lower-Potency Hemp Edible Manufacturer
Application Fee: $250 (per location)
Initial License Fee: $1,000
Renewal License Fee: $1,000
License type: Lower-potency Hemp Edible Manufacturer (Minn. Stat. § 342.45)
Lower-potency hemp edible manufacturers can produce edibles from hemp. These manufacturers can create, package, and label lower-potency hemp edibles, and sell them to cannabis businesses.​
Can sell: Hemp concentrate, artificially derived cannabinoids, and lower-potency hemp edibles to other cannabis businesses and hemp businesses.
Endorsements available:
Extraction and concentration
Edible cannabinoid product handler endorsement
Additional licenses available:
Lower-potency hemp retailer
This license type cannot hold any cannabis business licenses at the same time.
Lower-Potency Hemp Edible Retailer
Application Fee: $250 (per location)
Initial License Fee: $250 (per location)
Renewal License Fee: $250 (per location)
License type: Lower-potency Hemp Edible Retailer (Minn. Stat. § 342.46)
Lower-potency hemp edible retailers can sell packaged lower-potency hemp edibles to consumers.
Must also have local registration per Minn. Stat. § 342.22.
Sell packaged lower-potency hemp edibles to consumers
Offer on-site consumption of lower-potency hemp edibles
Can sell: Lower-potency hemp edibles (including beverages) and offer on-site consumption of lowerpotency hemp edibles on a portion of its premises.
Can sell: Lower-potency hemp edibles to adults 21 years of age or older.
Endorsements available:
On-sale liquor license (Minn. Stat. § 340A) is required if offering on-site consumption.
Edible cannabinoid product handler.
Additional licenses available:
Lower-potency hemp edible manufacturer.
This license type cannot hold any cannabis business licenses at the same time.